Thursday, May 24, 2007


Quotes for you!!!

A Dolls House Act 1

Nora: ''Papa didnt give us a penny. it was i who found the money.''

Nora: ''...I too have something to be happy and proud about. It was I who saved TORVARD'S life.''

''I too have done something to be proud and happy about.''

''Is it foolish to save one's husband?''

''...Then it might be useful to have something up my sleeve.''

''Yes, now I feel really, really happy. Now there's just one thing in the world I'd really love to do.''

''I cant get anywhere without your help''Nora is faking that she depends on Helmer.

Pepe & Inaki

Christine hush there Torval came home do you mind going into the children for the present? Torvard cant bear to see dress making going on.

Nora: ''Splendid! But dont you think it is nice of me, too, to do as you wish?

Hel: Nice! because you do as your husband wishes?...

Estaban &Andrez

Nora: ''Leave me, Torvald! Get away from me1 I dont want all this.'' (pg 88)

Helmer: ''What? Now Nora, you are joking with me. Dont want, dont want? Arent I your husband?''

''Scientific experiment! Those are big words for my little Nora'' (pg 92)

''Good night my little songbird.'' (pg 92)

Rank: What a happy peaceful house you two have. (pg 88)

Water for Chocolate


''Tita was the best qualified of all the woman in the ouse to fill the vacant post in the kitchen, and in there flavours, smells, textures and the effects they could have were beyond Mama Elenas iron command.''

I think this is a good quote because it shows that even though Tita was opressed by Mam Elena she still had courage and faith to progress and be close to her true love, Pedro.

January pg 13

''If he intends to ask for your hand, tell him not to bother, he ll be wasting his time.''

July pg 119

''Instead of obeying her, tita turned away...'' shows that she she has become very independent and capable of standing up to new mother, she wants equality.

July pg 119

''For the first time Tita firmly helf her gaze and mam elena lowered hers,'' shows that she wants equality.

January pg 19

''You're old enough t have a little drink on a special occasion but tell me, you little, did you say it was ok?''

April pg 62

''The sound of Tita's melodious voice, singing as she cooked, had kindled his sexual feelings.''

January pg 15

''Im sorry Mommy, I will never do it again.''

July pg 116

''Tita told Chencha her decision never to go back to the ranch again.'' Tita goes against tradition by leaving her house, and not going back means standing against her mother and family tradition, that she takes care of her mother.

February pg28

''They ordered 200 roosters to be brought for castrating and fattening up. This task fell to Tita and Nacha'' There is a social expectation towards Tita.

pg 71

''Tita, how is the child?'' shows how the younger girls have obligations/chores. There has never been a man who has this kind of class.