Tuesday, June 5, 2007

Death of an Elephant-8C-RP-CT

How does the writer's use of language make the reader feel sympathy for the elephant?

The writer uses a wide arrange of adjectives. He describes in detail the elephant's reactions to help us connect with its' pain. The author also utilizes points of three and similes to achieve this end.
He describes after the first bullet hits the elephant, how drastically the elephant changes. Sentences such as "an enormous senility seemed to have settled upon him," let us further solidify the idea of this enormous change that the first shot has provoked. "He seemed to tower upward like a huge rock toppling," gives us the impression of the elephant's greatness and of its unstoppable demise, just like a huge rock. "His trunk reaching skyward," in a sense personifies the elephant's death, of how he in a human like way looks up to the sky, one last time, with a sense of knowing that it is not the end but only the beginning of a new adventure.

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