Sunday, March 11, 2007

Y9/ Brochures/CS

Bad one:
A room with a lot of things like: games, electronics and a carpet. Joust rent it for the day because it is nice.

Good one:
Is your dream coming to a room were a very expensive music kit could play your music and charge your iPod™*. An enormous wardrobe, many games for portable consoles, a heater which will keep you warm from those days in which the temperature is at 4°C/ 40°F, a colorful king size bed with the choice of how many cushions you want, like stuffed animals? I hope so because there is a great variety of those from you to choose from, you do have a laptop because if you don't we will lend you one for 10 US Dollars p/hour with free internet 24/7. Make your dreams come true with this expensive room so call 1800-droomt from 12:15-12:16 p.m. to get the best of the best stay in you life and make your life long dream come true call!!!**

*You have to bring your own iPod™ unless you want to hear our awesome selection
**You may not stay for more than 5 hours, meal is not included
Carlo Sanabria 9B


We are going to achieve the best! said...

I liked this brochure, the good one has a lot of specifics, and it is highly adjectivel, and the bad one is clearly bad.

We are going to achieve the best! said...

I like this brochures. The bad one is very bad and the good one is great just watch your grammar and the way you structure your sentences but its pretty good anyway