Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Yr9/Formal Letter/EA

Ernesto Elorduy 58-2
Col.Guadalupe Inn
Delg. Alvaro Obregon
Mexico D.F

Amores 44-C
Col. Del Valle
Delg. Benito Juarez
Mexico D.F

Tuesday, March 20, 2007

Dear: Sir

I writing to you and your company to inform you that your "rent a room" service is despicable. During my stay I found several problems with room, which you call an oasis. First the bathroom doesn’t work how are you going to please customers if they have to be cleaning the bathroom at 2 AM.

Secondly, the TV has no channels what good is a TV if you can’t watch it.
Third when you are trying to have a nap you will notice that there is a clicking noise under the king sized, This soft but constant noise will torment you the rest of the night and not letting you have any decent sleep and last but not least your nice and comfortable couches are plastic! How you suppose to relax when you sit down and all you feel is solid, ice-cold plastic. This is outrageous. I really do hope that you improve your services greatly and not only for me but also for all the other customers that you are letting go when you provide such a poor service.

Yours Faithfully,

Esteban Alvarez

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