Monday, March 12, 2007

Y8/ descriptve edron/ RP

My car drives in to the car park just outside the school.I glance at the outside of the school just before I pass through the gate.Deceiving.That's the word I would use to describe the outside part, I remember when I first looked on it and thought the school must be quite small, foolish me.How I felt like Alice in Wonderland, going down and down the rabbit hole.
As I enter the reception area I look around,I arrive early as usual.I feel the frosty air penetrate me like a thousand little pins,shouldn't have worn shorts today is my minds obvious answer.The reception area is empty now but I think of how in the next half hour it will quickly fill up like a nesting ground of bees.
My descent leads me to the black sea of asphalt, also known as the top court.Even now I can imagine the sounds of the almighty kicks that will later be heard hear, like the waves crashing against the rocky coastline.I continue going down the stairs stopping a while to gaze at the little garden, of how Don German later on the day will be spring, making the plants rejoice around him, waving their leaves in utter glee.
I walk a little bit enjoying the little bit of the sunrise that I can see until the view is interrupted by the new Science labs.Most of the times you can see Mr. Anderson in their or in the I.T.His presence early in the morning is as sure as air.I continue on quickening my pace as I hear faint footsteps somewhere in the top court,I avoid when possible any encounters in the morning.As I finish stepping down that flight of stairs I gaze in the direction of the Boys Secondary bathrooms. The reminder of the unpleasant smell drifts like a vapor into my mind.
I continue my descent thinking if I did all my homework.Wait.I see a black cat up ahead, it meows at me,warning me to keep away.I continue moving on secretly hoping that it will have a bit of confidence in me. It runs away. Obviously I'm not an animal guy. Now I find myself at the entrance of the kiosk,the oasis in middle of the burning desert. Behind me is Mr. Loftus' room, he is a nuclear power plant he can give out a large amount of energy but you don't want to be there when it explodes so I hear.
I continue my journey down,passing my tutor room, deciding that I'll take a little peep at the pond today.The few times I've started at that pond I feel its' green water inviting me to look down on its' mysterious depths, on mysteries you may never unravel. I take a glance at the new building but just as the thought pops up in my head so does that of the "barranca". The disgusting repulsive odor quickly takes out of my head any idea to go down there or a while. I make my way to my tutor room and wait.Wait for the day to begin,the red sunset heralds the coming of the day, as does the baying of the dogs in the distance.
Rodrigo Ponciano 8C


Andres Angeles said...

Hey real good!!! its nice. i liked it but the spelling coud have been a bit better. I liked it anyway!!!!!!!!! real good or at least better than mine!!!! (which i hope by the time you read this comment it is still on top of yours!!) its the Edron description!!!! yours is great!!!!

We are going to achieve the best! said...

Great work Rodrigo!!

Miss T

We are going to achieve the best! said...

Great work Rodrigo!!

Miss T

We are going to achieve the best! said...

I love the description, you can imagine what is happening. Excellent use of adjectives, similes and metphors. I love you.