Thursday, March 22, 2007

yr 10 monologue fernando guadarrama

Hello, my name is Willard Smith Scott, I declare myself as and obese person and I really hate it, it has only brought me misery and humiliation.

When I was younger, I used to work for MacDonald’s; I enjoyed it so much that I worked there for like 5 years, I was the first Ronald Macdonald ever, every single child loved me and enjoyed being with me as I enjoyed being with them.

As I worked there, I ate MacDonald’s food 2 to 3 times a week, sometimes 4, I ate mostly big Macs, French fries and coke. And as time passed by, I became fatter, Macdonald’s workers said that if I kept getting fat they would fire me.

I suffered next night because I felt some kind of addiction, and by trying not to eat Mac food I began to feel like hell, I fell tired, depressed and anxious so I decided to eat some French fries.

My boss told me to go to UK because they were opening a new store, when I got in the airplane, I couldn’t fit inside one seat so I had to change to first class, I ate 4 times the menu served in the plane, and I still felt hungry, luckily I had a specially big “Big Mac” in my bag, I opened the paper and ate it in 3 minutes, after that, all my depression disappeared.

When I got to United Kingdom, I got down of the airplane and some children cried as they saw me, they hid behind their mother, only one child did not cried, and that child was fat and had a fat mother, I believe only fat people respect fat people.

I got to the new MacDonald’s in town to see what I had to do and my boss expressed to me in a decent way that if I kept eating MacDonald’s food I would get too fat and he would have to fire me, I felt sad, again, but this time I really decided to stop eating all that food. My boss wanted me to stand in the crowd, dressed as Ronald Macdonald while they inaugurated the restaurant, and while they cut the red ribbon to show that it is officially open to public. I think it was a nice day, but in part it was hard because I was next to the heavy users (MacDonald’s special clients) and I realized that there was not much difference between them and me, I always felt disgusted when I saw them but now I realized that I had became a heavy user too!

All my life I had wanted to be muscular and handsome like an actor or a model, and it is really hard to compare this fat pig with someone like that; it really makes me fell sad and depressed. All I can do is go to work everyday and try to put myself on a diet and exercise.

Next day I went with a nutriologist and she said to me that I really had serious obesity problems and that they could cause lethal sicknesses that could kill me or affect me really bad. She said that Obesity has been linked to: Hypertension, Coronary Heart Disease, Adult Onset Diabetes, Stroke, Gall Bladder Disease, Osteoarthritis, Sleep Apnea, Respiratory Problems, Endometrial, Breast, Prostate and Colon Cancers, Dyslipidemia, steatohepatitis, insulin resistance, breathlessness, Asthma, Hyperuricaemia, reproductive hormone abnormalities, polycystic ovarian syndrome, impaired fertility and lower back pain. I think that’s too many diseases for just eating food. I also talked to her about my mother, she had diabetes and she was slim, at that moment, the nutriologist warned me that it would be really easy to get diabetes and if I kept eating this way I would probably end in the hospital.

I went back to USA, the fattest country on earth now, and as I got down the airplane, I felt at home, about 50% of the Americans were obese and they understood me. There, I saw a big MacDonald’s full of fat people and I said to me “What happens if I eat once more there? Nothing will happen” so I ordered 3 big macs, big French fries and a big coke. It was the best MacDonald’s meal that I ate in years so I ordered 2 more big macs.

Next day I went to work and my boss called me by phone, he said that my supervisor had seen that I had got fatter and he said “ I warned you Willard, im sorry but you are fired, you are too fat.” At that moment, my life got ruined and I was so sad that I went to MacDonald’s to eat some more Mac Burgers, my pain felt relieved but my life was ruined, thank you MacDonald’s.

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