Thursday, March 22, 2007

Yr 10 Monologues/Mariana G

Deep into the fat

It's always the same remarks.
"Dude, looks like the whale just lost her ocean."
"Shouldn't she be back in the zoo with the rest of the elephants?"
"Looks like the dinosaurs are no longer extinct."
It's always animals. Why animals? Do they think I'm stupid and I don't understand? Just like a silly beast?
I hear remarks everyday of my life. Especially when I'm entering McDonald's. Well, I mean, I don't buy McDonald's often, you understand. Only once a week! And, I just get a salad, and water, and that extra order of french fries! I do the same in Burger King and Wendys, it's this new diet I'm trying out.
I do break the diet when I go to Taco Bell, beacuse I buy a big taco. But it has plenty of lettuce! And, I only go once a week or so.
I've been feeling really depressed lately. I don't want to get out of bed and see the world.Sometimes, I can fix that with a good pail of Chunky Monkey, or any other Ben & Jerry's flavour.
It's just...everywhere I go I always see skinny girls. In magazines, in TV, in movies, in the street. I feel like a monster when I see them. I wish I could model myself to be the perfect body.
Take off some of that, smooth that over, curve here, less there...
If I were thinner I could do anything I want. Be whoever I want.
Right now, I'm just the fat girl.
I think I'll go get a burger.

1 comment:

We are going to achieve the best! said...

Maurice says it's a great monologue, really good chatty style and humorous