Wednesday, March 21, 2007

Y10/Monologue/Maurice E

(Fat guy speaking to his belly)

Good morning fat joe. How are you today? Growing? Yep, Guessed so, but don't worry, we'll go the bathroom.First let's eat something.
What do you want to have for breakfest? A hamburguer or a pizza? Neither!? I don't care if you want something healthy, it doesn't taste good.
So regarding your opinion we'll go for the pizza. Did you know they have home service? It's wonderful! This way we don't have to walk.
What do you want, Coke or diet coke? Let me guess, DIET COKE! You see, I take good care of us. Let me call them from the bathroom phone. A good way to eliminate fats.

(10 minutes later still in the bathroom)

Finally I finished. I feel thiner. Like if we lost 20 pounds.
Why isn't that pizza here? I'm the costumer of the month so they should give me a better service.
Let's wait in the T.V room. Power Rangers is starting

(10 minutes later)

Yeah!! the pizza is here. Finally someone understands me. Joe could you open and get the pizza for me? Jaja you're right, you don't have legs. You should be thankful because you can eat thanks to me so don't bother me with your health issues.
Hey I have an idea, let's order fried chiken.

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