Thursday, March 8, 2007

Y9/ Brochures/AE

Brochure Language for my Bedroom

With Persuasive Language

Imagine a beautiful bedroom full of gorgeous chairs accompanied by a comfortable, striped, luscious bed. A place where you can just relax and do what you want. This room is the pinnacle of innovation. It has absolutely everything you’ll need to have the time of your life. Plasma TV, video games, you name it, we’ll offer it. This bedroom is available for only $100 a night, a great price for anyone on a low budget looking to relax. It’s perfect for everything. What sane person would turn this offer down?

Without Persuasive Language

Room with bed, bathroom, computer and most utilities necessary. Has bed with two pillows and one cover. White walls, carpeted floor, large windows. The room is available for $100 a night, discounts available for families. Call now.

Alexander Espinosa 9B

1 comment:

We are going to achieve the best! said...

I really like your brochures even when Mr G says its an advertisement they're great!