Thursday, March 8, 2007

Y9/ Brochures/MO

Using techniques bedroom brochure:
Need a one-night-stand room?
Or would you prefer a lifetime one?

Well you're tuning the perfect web page! We offer you the best bedroom on the block! A comfy comfy bed, one night table, the perfect desk for your laptop, messy papers and unchecked home works, and even your Gatorade! Ask Mr. G if he wouldn't love that brand new cedar desk! Your shoes Don't fit in your old and with-no-space closet? Now you will have all the space you need in your brand new enormous closet. The best cedar furniture in the planet for the best costumer in the planet! Always the best for the best! The room includes excellent cleaning service everyday. What you waiting for? If you contact us in the next 10 minutes you will get the new plasma TV! All installations free and plus: TV cable for one year totally free!
All this for the reasonable prize of 600 USD the night! But remember, you'll receive: A comfortable bed, the best cedar in the world furnitures: one night table, a desk, an enormous closet, a TV furniture with a plasma TV included with TV cable free for ONE WHOLE year! Contact us NOW!

Using no techniques bedroom brochure:

Do you want a bedroom? Here's the perfect one, it has one bed, a night table, a desk, a TV furniture for your plasma TV, a big closet, includes room service. If you contact us now you will get the plasma TV with cable payed for one year. The room costs 600 USD the night.
-Maria O 9B

1 comment:

We are going to achieve the best! said...

Fons sais: you convinced me!
good ideas, well developed, shows understanding of subject and it is really convincing!
I'm proud! jajajajajja
Love you!